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Marketing Communications | Marcomms

This month, we will be talking about Marketing Communications or MarComms, as some may call them. I’m interested to know how we are all speaking to our potential clients or current clients, for that matter? Do we still use some of the traditional print methods, or is that a thing of the past and the new strategy is digital communication all the way?

Email Marketing.

Are you using email marketing for your business? After GDPR many businesses will find it dificult to recover their data lists they were using before as they no longer have approval to target these customers.

But that’s not to say it’s not worth trying to build up your email lists, there will be customers out there who will want to hear from you.

A great way to capture data from your website is pop up banners, you could even offer an incentive such as a % off their first purchase, I’m sure you’ve seen these ones before.

Events Marketing.

What is that? I hear you say…lol remember those gatherings we all attended where we actually talked to each other? Yeah, those things.

These are a great way to communicate your brand; many significant events have sponsorship opportunities where you can insert something into a bag like a leaflet, place adverts in event guides, have your logo on lanyards or have banners with your branding. There are so many opportunities to communicate your brand at these events, but many companies will compete for the same opportunities, so be quick.

Direct Marketing.

There are many companies who still use direct marketing and believe it works and in some cases it can, if it’s a postcard, letter, email or telephone call, since the introduction to digital marketing these options are not as widely used as they once were.

However there is a rule of 7 where on average it takes 7 touch points with a brand before a purchase is made. I don’t know about you but I’m more inclined to open something tangible that has been sent to me in the post then just another email, DM or InMail. If I’ve received these touch points from a brand I’m more likely to take a call from them as they have gone to such an effort to get my attention.

Social Media Marketing.

Are you building your social media strategy? And if you are, are you using the right platforms? I still come across small businesses that don’t see the value in specific platforms.

For example, Pinterest is a combination of a search engine and a targeted advertising tool. I recently found some competitor profiles for a new client, and those profiles were getting hundreds of thousands of monthly visitors, some were getting millions.

Just for being present on a social media platform.

There’s so much to think about in terms of Marketing, we feel your pain, take a look at some of our other blogs “How to identify your target audience” and “Strategic Alignment

If you’re looking for additional support then drop us an email on and follow us on Facebook for more Marketing news.

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